This department has established and put into operation a system for the receipt, investigation and determination of complaints received, alleging employee misconduct. This is done to ensure that each allegation of misconduct is resolved effectively through an adjudication process based on the principle of fair and equal treatment for all. This process begins with a preliminary investigation and, in the case of serious violations, continues with the Internal Affairs Investigation process.
Complaints against department personnel (as well as favorable comments) can be made to any police supervisor. In some cases, the supervisor may be able to remedy the situation without the need for further investigation or action. If not, the complaint will be forwarded to the office of the Chief of Police, and he will assign an investigator to ascertain the facts and circumstances. Upon reviewing the investigation report, the Chief will make a determination and a decision on discipline, if applicable. Finally, the complainant will receive written notification of the final results.
If you would prefer not to contact a supervisor directly, please feel free to complete and submit the form below.
Notice! In Florida, written communication with government agencies may be public record. Whatever information you send in e-mail or written form, including your email address, home address, or telephone number, may be released in response to a request for public records. If you wish to avoid this possibility, we recommend that you contact us via telephone.
Complaints against department personnel (as well as favorable comments) can be made to any police supervisor. In some cases, the supervisor may be able to remedy the situation without the need for further investigation or action. If not, the complaint will be forwarded to the office of the Chief of Police, and he will assign an investigator to ascertain the facts and circumstances. Upon reviewing the investigation report, the Chief will make a determination and a decision on discipline, if applicable. Finally, the complainant will receive written notification of the final results.
If you would prefer not to contact a supervisor directly, please feel free to complete and submit the form below.
Notice! In Florida, written communication with government agencies may be public record. Whatever information you send in e-mail or written form, including your email address, home address, or telephone number, may be released in response to a request for public records. If you wish to avoid this possibility, we recommend that you contact us via telephone.