Gulfport Police Department Physical Abilities Test Instructions
The training staff shall administer the Physical Abilities Test. This test will be successfully completed within 6 minutes and 04 seconds.
The Physical Abilities Test (PAT) was designed to assess physical attributes which reflect core enabling knowledge, skills and abilities and essential tasks common for law enforcement, corrections and correctional probation officers. The PAT is to be conducted in a continuous flow manner that is time dependent in order to determine the participant’s level of physical condition and aerobic capacity. The PAT measures specific physical abilities through a series of tasks which are listed as follows:
1. exiting vehicle/open trunk
2. 220 yard run
3. obstacle course
4. dummy drag
5. obstacle course (repeat)
6. 220 yard run (repeat)
7. dry fire weapon
8. place items in trunk/enter vehicle
TASK 1:The test begins with applicant seated in a full size automobile, seat belt on, with hands at the 10 and 2 o’clock position on the steering wheel. Around the applicant’s waist is a pull away flag belt with flags positioned over each hip. Trunk key is placed in the vehicle glove box, which is in the closed position. The vehicle trunk release is not to be used by the applicant. A handgun and a baton/flashlight are positioned in the front center part of the trunk. The trunk is closed and locked. On the command “GO”, the stopwatch is started and the participant removes hands from the steering wheel, unfastens seat belt, opens glove box and removes key. Exit vehicle (the glove box and door are left open). Move to the back of the vehicle and insert key and unlock and open trunk. Immediately after opening the trunk the participant touches each flag with the opposite hand, from behind the back, and the belt is pulled away (letting the belt fall to the ground). The handgun and the baton/flashlight are removed from the trunk; the trunk is closed with the key remaining in the lock. Move to the bench or stool. Place handgun on the bench or stool and continue to hold flashlight/baton. Immediately proceed with flashlight/baton to the beginning position of the 220-yard run.
TASK 2: While carrying the flashlight/baton, the applicant runs 220 yards on a flat surface to the entrance of the obstacle course.
TASK 3: Upon completion of the 220 yard run, the applicant passes through thepylons at the entrance of the obstacle portion of the course. Ten feet into the obstacle course the participant must climb over a 40 inch wall, followed by a series of three (24, 12, and 18 inch) hurdles five feet apart, located ten feet beyond the wall. Ten feet beyond the final hurdle the applicant encounters the first of nine pylons in a single row spaced five feet apart. The applicant must serpentine through the pylons. Ten feet beyond the last pylon the participant must crawl under a 27-inch-high, eight-foot-long low crawl area after which the applicant stands, moves to the pylons located seven feet beyond the low crawl, and drops the flashlight/baton beside one of the pylons. (NOTE: if at any time, the applicant knocks over a hurdle or pylon, they immediately stop and repeat that portion of the obstacle.)
TASK 4: The applicant then sprints 50 feet, grabs the 150 pound dummy, and drags it 100 feet on a cut grass surface.
TASK 5: Upon completion of the dummy drag, the participant sprints back to the pylons, picks up the flashlight/baton and reverses course through the obstacles. After the wall climb, the participant moves through the pylons and once again repeats the 220 yard run.
TASK 6: Repeat 220 yard run. (See Task 2)
TASK 7: After completing the 220 yard run, the applicant places the flashlight/baton on the bench and picks up the hand gun. Then assumes a proper firing position and fires six rounds each using the dominant, then non-dominant hand.
TASK 8: After the applicant fires the weapon (the trunk is opened), the weapon and flashlight/baton are placed inside the trunk and the trunk is closed. The key is then removed, and the applicant reenters the vehicle, closing the vehicle door, places the key in the glove box, closes the glove box, re-fastens the seat belt, and places both hands on the steering wheel, at which time the test ends.
The training staff shall administer the Physical Abilities Test. This test will be successfully completed within 6 minutes and 04 seconds.
The Physical Abilities Test (PAT) was designed to assess physical attributes which reflect core enabling knowledge, skills and abilities and essential tasks common for law enforcement, corrections and correctional probation officers. The PAT is to be conducted in a continuous flow manner that is time dependent in order to determine the participant’s level of physical condition and aerobic capacity. The PAT measures specific physical abilities through a series of tasks which are listed as follows:
1. exiting vehicle/open trunk
2. 220 yard run
3. obstacle course
4. dummy drag
5. obstacle course (repeat)
6. 220 yard run (repeat)
7. dry fire weapon
8. place items in trunk/enter vehicle
TASK 1:The test begins with applicant seated in a full size automobile, seat belt on, with hands at the 10 and 2 o’clock position on the steering wheel. Around the applicant’s waist is a pull away flag belt with flags positioned over each hip. Trunk key is placed in the vehicle glove box, which is in the closed position. The vehicle trunk release is not to be used by the applicant. A handgun and a baton/flashlight are positioned in the front center part of the trunk. The trunk is closed and locked. On the command “GO”, the stopwatch is started and the participant removes hands from the steering wheel, unfastens seat belt, opens glove box and removes key. Exit vehicle (the glove box and door are left open). Move to the back of the vehicle and insert key and unlock and open trunk. Immediately after opening the trunk the participant touches each flag with the opposite hand, from behind the back, and the belt is pulled away (letting the belt fall to the ground). The handgun and the baton/flashlight are removed from the trunk; the trunk is closed with the key remaining in the lock. Move to the bench or stool. Place handgun on the bench or stool and continue to hold flashlight/baton. Immediately proceed with flashlight/baton to the beginning position of the 220-yard run.
TASK 2: While carrying the flashlight/baton, the applicant runs 220 yards on a flat surface to the entrance of the obstacle course.
TASK 3: Upon completion of the 220 yard run, the applicant passes through thepylons at the entrance of the obstacle portion of the course. Ten feet into the obstacle course the participant must climb over a 40 inch wall, followed by a series of three (24, 12, and 18 inch) hurdles five feet apart, located ten feet beyond the wall. Ten feet beyond the final hurdle the applicant encounters the first of nine pylons in a single row spaced five feet apart. The applicant must serpentine through the pylons. Ten feet beyond the last pylon the participant must crawl under a 27-inch-high, eight-foot-long low crawl area after which the applicant stands, moves to the pylons located seven feet beyond the low crawl, and drops the flashlight/baton beside one of the pylons. (NOTE: if at any time, the applicant knocks over a hurdle or pylon, they immediately stop and repeat that portion of the obstacle.)
TASK 4: The applicant then sprints 50 feet, grabs the 150 pound dummy, and drags it 100 feet on a cut grass surface.
TASK 5: Upon completion of the dummy drag, the participant sprints back to the pylons, picks up the flashlight/baton and reverses course through the obstacles. After the wall climb, the participant moves through the pylons and once again repeats the 220 yard run.
TASK 6: Repeat 220 yard run. (See Task 2)
TASK 7: After completing the 220 yard run, the applicant places the flashlight/baton on the bench and picks up the hand gun. Then assumes a proper firing position and fires six rounds each using the dominant, then non-dominant hand.
TASK 8: After the applicant fires the weapon (the trunk is opened), the weapon and flashlight/baton are placed inside the trunk and the trunk is closed. The key is then removed, and the applicant reenters the vehicle, closing the vehicle door, places the key in the glove box, closes the glove box, re-fastens the seat belt, and places both hands on the steering wheel, at which time the test ends.